Life In Fifth Grade

5th Grade is okay, you’ll love it. If your in Mrs. Mcfall’s Class your in luck! I Love 5th grade, and Mr.Mac is a cool dude I should say. If you get your name called for a praise pass you can wear Mr.Mac’s shoes. I think he’s size 14 but I’m not sure. You’ll see when your in fifth grade.

The Wallflower

My Wildflower is called, Wallflower.  The Wallflower’s scientific name is Cheiranthus Allionii.  Wallflowers bloom in April and May.  Also the scientific classification name of the Wallflower is (Brassicaceae).  The height of the Wallflower is 1-1 1/2 ft.  Wallflower’s have vivid orange colored petals.  Suggested uses: mixtures,roadsides,and floral gardens.  Other Interesting facts about the Wallflower: 2-4 inches in length,The Wallflower adds a delightful fragrance to any floral arrangement.

George Washington: Facts and Myths

Today I read about George Washington. Here  are some facts I learned.I learned that George Washington was born in 1732. I Also learned that George Washington does not have a middle name. I learned the George Washington was truly known as a person of a great integrity.Next I have two interesting facts to tell u. One fact is, when the name George Washington is mentioned a vision of him with white hair and a ponytail behind his back is visioned. The next interesting fact is, that George Washington had teeth that were made out of cow teeth. There is only one question I need to ask, why did people make myths about him.

The Life of Abraham Lincoln

Today I read about Abraham Lincoln. Here are some facts I learned.  I learned that, Abraham Lincoln was born in 1809,in Kentucky.  Next I learned that, when Abraham Lincoln was seven years old he had messy hair and he also had long legs.     Now these are two interesting facts i learned. I learned that Abraham Lincoln wore the same top-hat for his whole life. Next what i learned was, that the rich and the poor people all over Washington D.C wore black to show their respect. Finally i have one question to ask, how did Abraham Lincoln’s mother become sick ,and why did she die?

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