My Fifth Grade Year

I have had a crazy year in 5th grade and it has been fun at times. On the first day of school i was so nervous but my best friend Calie was in my class so I wasn’t as nervous. Then in the middle of the year we started the decades, and we learned about the Vietnam War and World War II. We also learned about JFK’s assassination and how it was similar to Abraham Lincoln’s assassination. Well now its almost the end of the year and i’m going to miss all my friends and my wonderful teachers. I’ve loved fifth grade! Farewell fifth grade!

Fair Well Fifthgrade

I liked when Mr. Mcbride showed us the decades and some music they listened to.                 I learned how to become a better person and to be kind to all people.                                            Advice for 4th graders,                                                                                                                                             Well don’t get it trouble,so be a good person and follow your dreams.



  • Roll the die to see who goes first, add up what u get
  • To start you get 3 beans each
  • When you land on a space you can buy or skip
  • When you land on a mystery if you roll a 4 or more you get a bean and 3 or less you lose a bean
  • When you get to the beanstalk you must have 7 items, if you don’t then you go to ”start” and get 7 items
  • Beans- 100=1 beans     200=2 beans and so on

Dear Mrs. Larue (a letter from obedience school)

Dear Ike,

Hey Dude, what’s cookin? Bro, you were sizzling. I can’t believe you think this place is the slammer. Brother, you need to chill out. Its the bomb here! Hey Ike, you need to chill. Love you bro. See ya next year. I kinda framed you for stealing a chew toy. Sorry!

           Bye little dude,

                  Jerry the wiener dog