War Of 1812 – acrostic poem

War of 1812 was a military conflict between The USA and The UK,

Andrew Jackson was a US leader in the significant War of 1812,

Roger Hale Sheaffe was one of many leaders fighting for the UK,

Ojibwe was one of the British Belligerents

February 18, 1815 is when the War of 1812 ended

15,000 from The US died from all causes

8 months and 2 years was how long the war was

18th of January is when the War of 1812 started

2,200 people from The US were killed in actionWar of 1812 Montage.jpg

Th Capture of Fort Ticonderoga

The Capture of Fort Ticonderoga occurred during the American Revolutionary War on May 10,1775, this battle occurred at Ticonderoga, Essex County, and New York. When the American Revolution began one of the most important battles between the British was held  at Fort Ticonderoga. On the day that it occurred Benedict Arnold from Massachusetts  and Ethan Allen from Vermont joined there forces  and attacked the British military base in Ticonderoga.Ethan Allen, and Benedict Arnold were the commanders of The Capture of Fort Ticonderoga and the commander of Great Britain was William Delaplace. The battle between the Green Mountain Boys of militia of the Connecticut Colony,and the Militia of the province of Massachusetts Bay against Great Britain. All were captured from the Great Britain side and Ethan Allen’s and Benedict Arnold’s side had one captured near Fort Saint Jean and one wounded at Ticonderoga.Although it was a small-scale conflict, the Battle of Fort Ticonderoga was the first American victory of the Revolutionary War, and would give the Continental Army much-needed artillery to be used in future battles.In 1755, French settlers in North America began building a military fortification, Fort Carillon, on the western shore of Lake Champlain. Because of its location, which offered access to both Canada and the Hudson River Valley.In July 1758, British forces unsuccessfully attacked the fort, suffering heavy casualties. Under the command of General Jeffrey Amherst, the British returned the following year and were able to defeat the French, who destroyed much of Fort Carillon and withdrew to Canada. Fort Ticonderoga was located directly across Lake Champlain from Vermont, where the Green Mountain Boys, a militia organized in 1770 to defend the property rights of local landowners joined the revolutionary effort without hesitation.Image result for map of the capture of fort ticonderoga

Hourglass Poems- Samuel Adams

Samuel Adams helped formulate resistance to The Stamp Act

He helped organize The Boston Tea Party

Strong opponent of British taxation

An American Statesman

Samuel Adams

A political philosopher

A Founding Father of U.S.

Second cousin of U.S. President John Adams

Famous person who bravely fought in the American Revolution

 Image result for samuel adams images


It is 2017 and i am very excited for my 11th birthday. My birthday is in January and i was born on the day my grandma was born. I was her birthday present in 2006 on January 31st. some of my goals for this year is to copy the dictionary, not for a punishment but for fun, My other goals is to hug my teacher Mrs.Ummel 200 times this year and to clean my room. Thats all i have for this post, have a great 2017.

Pearl Harbor

On December 7, 1941,                                                                                      The Attack on Pearl Harbor is also known as The Battle of Pearl Harbor. A Japanese Imperial General Headquarters sent two planes to attack the U.S and make the next World War II, Some people say they did it on purpose to start a War with the U.S. Japan intended the attack as a preventive action to keep the U.S Pacific Fleet from interfering with military actions, the Empire of Japan planned in Southeast Asia against overseas territories of the United Kingdom.

Image result for pearl harbor