Achievement :]

When I made a goal for myself, I wanted to run 888 miles before the school year ended. I ran 8 miles a day, and I did it in 111 days. It was fun each day walking in White Oak. I rode my bike 90 miles as well. I rode my bike for 9 days and 10 miles each day. I had fun outside exploring nature. I rode around Longview exploring new places. I went to stores such as Walmart and Burks. Then I called my mom after I was done, and we went to the zoo to see little baby kangaroos. It was a tiring and exhausting day but it was worth it!

Child Labor

Child labor was when children of young age had to work like the grown ups by shucking oysters or washing clothes and dishes. They got paid very little money for hours of work, they work for 10 hours and only got paid a dimes worth of money. Image result for child labor

Readers Theater

Our readers theater was about how children worked by shucking oysters and shrimp and clean lint off washing machines and they got a little amount for hours of work. In order to work you have to be 14 or up but some of them are only 7, they hide them while the inspectors come to check on there business.